Business team in city and virtual graphsTechnology is constantly changing and evolving. Finding out what might work best for your own business strategy can go a long way in furthering your goals. One area that has evolved greatly in recent years is the virtual environment.

Virtualized environments can be designed and implemented by a company such as ours to reduce space, save energy, increase the speed of delivery and streamline work processes. It reduces overhead for a data center while also making sure the infrastructure better matches service levels, even as they change and expand.

The tech news website TechTarget listed some benefits of virtualization for businesses, including:

Efficient use of resources: You can better match resources to their applications through individual servers, including memory and CPU cycles.

Better productivity: You can bring on new servers much faster, and you can decommission them just as fast as they outgrow their usefulness.

Centralized management: Monitoring status for your entire server network is much easier to conduct and to adjust as needs dictate.

Scaling and flexibility: You can move or clone parts of servers between hardware, which means that upgrades and testing are much easier to perform.

Better financial stewardship: The need to purchase more physical servers is lessened greatly with virtualization, with some apps just needing to run on one machine instead of dozens.

Recovery time increases: If there’s a challenge to your data center, you can spin up virtual servers at a remote site to keep business flowing.

There are also specific steps that we can take as a company to make sure that you use virtualization to the best of your capabilities. Among those are these main points:

  • We can help you select workloads that make the most sense for virtualization
  • We can address any issues you may have related to software licensing
  • We can look into the potential impact of virtualization on your data center and offer a solution based on this assessment
  • We can make sure that the full infrastructure — computing, storing and network — can support virtualization.

There are definitely challenges with virtualization: bottlenecks in performance, virtual machine sprawl, management concerns. At the same time, our engineers understand how to avoid those problems and can anticipate them before they even manifest.

Virtualization is one solution that will help, but we offer many more. When it comes to your network or data center, we can look into ways to leverage the latest technology to add value to your company. Find out more at the AVASO website.